Web Sites related to Graphic design and Web development.
2D Graphics resources
Free textures and clipart
- free textures and clipart by 3dmd.net
Programming tutorials and resources
redho PHP tutorials - introductive lesson to PHP on Redho.com forums.
PHP: A simple tutorial - Manual
- A great and detailed PHP tutorial
Introduction to PHP - another introduction to PHP from w3schools.com
Intro to PHP - an introduction to PHP on PHPBuilder.com
PHP VIDEO TUTORIALS - great detailed and free video php tutorials
------------- free pre-configured PHP development environments:
EasyPHP - a pre-configured Windows, Apache, MySQL, PHP environment
Xampp - an easy to install Apache distribution containing MySQL, PHP and Perl
WampServer - Apache, MySQL, PHP on Windows
JAVA programming forum - JAVA tutorials and discussions on Redho.com forums.
The Java™ Tutorials - JAVA tutorials from SUN
Free Java Guide - These tutorials will introduce you to Java programming Language.
Web Design resources
HTML HTML intro - Introduction to HTML
HTML forum - HTML tutorials, examples and discussions on Redho.com forums
CSS intro - Introduction to HTML by w3schools.com
CSS forum - CSS tutorials, examples and discussions on Redho.com forums
CSS tutorials - video CSS tutorials by csstutorial.net
CSS lessons - css tutorials by html.net
JavaScript tutorials - introduction to javascript
JavaScript forum -
JavaScript tutorials, examples and discussions